
【导读】 [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题]Accordingtothepassage,thereare_________________.[A]afewrestaurantsfordogsineverycityinFrance[B]manyownersofdogsandcatsintheUnitedStatesandEurope[C]nodogso


  1. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] According to the passage, there are _________________.
    [A] a few restaurants for dogs in every city in France
    [B] many owners of dogs and cats in the United States and Europe
    [C] no dogs or cats that wear clothing
    [D] some people who treat their pets far better than they treat their children
  2. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] The passage is mainly about _______.
    [A] the influence of bad weather upon a test taker
    [B] the feelings of a learner before his driving test
    [C] the preparations before a driving test
    [D] an unforgettable day
  3. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] For many people, pets may have a more practical function because _______________.
    [A] pets are often useful companions for old people
    [B] cats and dogs can be used to keep away mice
    [C] pets can sometimes be sold to make money
    [D] some pets may show loving feelings for their owners
  4. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] The purpose of this passage is to ________.
    [A] explain how to use the Internet
    [B] describe the writer's joy of keeping up with new technology
    [C] tell the merits and usefulness of the Internet
    [D] introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and the Internet
  5. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] In your opinion, which of the following sentences is probably true?
    [A] Dogs and cats like to wear expensive clothing.
    [B] Many people visit the dog restaurant in France.
    [C] In some cases, animals have better food and clothing than people.
    [D] People in every part of the world like to buy fine clothing for their pets.
  6. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] The use of e-mail has made it possible for the writer to ________.
    [A] spend less time working
    [B] have more free time with his child
    [C] work at home on weekends
    [D] work at a speed comfortable to him
  7. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] The main idea of this reading passage is _______________.
    [A] Dogs enjoy fine restaurants
    [B] A rich cat can afford to go to any restaurant
    [C] It is stupid to have special food and clothing for animals
    [D] People treat pets in very different ways in different parts of the world
  8. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] According to the writer, e-mail has a clear advantage over the telephone because e-mail helps one _______.
    [A] reach a group of people at one time conveniently
    [B] keep one's communication as personal as possible
    [C] pass on much more information than the telephone
    [D] get in touch with one's friends faster than the telephone
  9. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] When you have difficulty, you could _____ your friends for help.
    [A] turn to
    [B] turn out
    [C] turn over
    [D] turn into
  10. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] The passage discussed all the following elements of e-mail EXCEPT _______.
    [A] its cost
    [B] the way of writing
    [C] the saving of time
    [D] its easy and convenient use
  11. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] There aren’t many pandas _______ in the world today.
    [A] live
    [B] alive
    [C] living
    [D] lively
  12. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] The best subject for this passage is ________.
    [A] Computers: New Technological Advances
    [B] Internet: A New Tool to Make Friends
    [C] Computers Have Made Life Easier
    [D] Internet: A Convenient Tool for Communication
  13. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] I have_____ a lot from extensive reading.
    [A] benefited
    [B] brought
    [C] spent
    [D] taken
  14. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] Everyone of them____tired and wanted a good rest.
    [A] seems
    [B] is seemed
    [C] was seemed
    [D] seemed
  15. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] This is the photo I have ever taken.
    [A] best
    [B] better
    [C] worse
    [D] most worst
  16. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] The computer system _____ suddenly while I was searching for information on the Internet.
    [A] broke off
    [B] broke down
    [C] broke out
    [D] broke up
  17. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] He never _____ to write to his mother every week.
    [A] fails
    [B] will fail
    [C] is failing
    [D] has failed
  18. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] Nancy was so shy that she looked _____ when she was standing before the audience.
    [A] frightening
    [B] confused
    [C] embarrassed
    [D] discouraged
  19. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] A __________ to his problem is expected to be found before long.
    [A] response
    [B] settlement
    [C] solution
    [D] result
  20. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《大学英语(二)》复习题] There is no ticket _____ for the performance this evening.
    [A] considerable
    [B] preferable
    [C] available
    [D] possible




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