【导读】 [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题]Tousesubstitutiondrillsandpromptsingrammarteaching.()错误正确参考答案:查看答案[陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题]Workinginlockstep,theteacherexpressesclearlyandasmuchaspossible.()
- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Working in lockstep, the teacher expresses clearly and as much as possible. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] “Write a composition with a title of ‘A Day on the Factory’ in classroom” ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Ask students to listen to well-prepared materials and write down the details in the material. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] An activity in classroom for students to practice language, which involves no definite or correct answers in the task. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] The teacher requires that students guess the meaning of new words and sometimes ignore the new words in reading. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] To use transition device so that visualization is realized in reading. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Ask students to bridge their information gap in speaking.( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Teachers practice bottom-up mode activity and start from a linear process in reading.( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Any task in teaching should be designed to test students’ comprehension instead of their skills.( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] We in teaching clarify fixed rules and standards, and are consistent in applying them.( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] In teaching plan we also emphasize the linkage and flexibility. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] In vocabulary learning, the effective way is the rote learning. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] In writing, teachers help students recognize their own composing process.( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] In listening, teachers grade the level of language difficulty. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] We design speaking tasks that do allow outspoken students to dominate discussion. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Take care of trivial details in reading and listening so that students may have a full understanding of the text. ( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] Functional grammar holds that a language will play three functions, the idea of which can be used in teaching of language skills.( )
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- [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语教学法》复习题] The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. ( )
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