
【导读】 [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语写作(一)》复习题]Topicsentence:Itwastheuseoftelescopethatopenedthemodernageofastronomyandmadepossiblethegrowthofallourcurrenttheories.KeplerandBrahetriedtoanswersomequesti


  1. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语写作(一)》复习题] Topic sentence: It was the use of telescope that opened the modern age of astronomy and made possible the growth of all our current theories. Kepler and Brahe tried to answer some questions about the solar system, but it was Galileo who made the first use of the telescope to observe the heavens close up. Born in 1564, Galileo added greatly to our knowledge of the stars before he died in 1642. By means of his telescope he discovered moons in orbit around Jupiter. Although he saw only four , scientists after him discovered eight more moons. Galileo also discovered that the planet Venus did not always appear the same size. It was wise use of the telescope that helped him understand this important fact: that the sun, and not the earth, is the center of the planets.
    [A] The use of telescope helped Galileo understand that the sun is the center of the planets.
    [B] Galileo was born in 1564 and died in 1642.
    [C] Galileo observed the planet Venus.
    [D] Galileo discovered moons around Jupiter.
  2. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语写作(一)》复习题] Topic sentence: Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year.
    [A] Normally a student would at least attend 12 classes each week.
    [B] American university students are usually under pressure of their studies.
    [C] How many years do you have to stay at university to get a degree?
    [D] How many courses do you have to take to get a degree?
  3. [陕西师范大学网络教育考试《英语写作(一)》复习题] Topic sentence:_____________________________________________.E-mail is often used for quick exchange of news, information, and schedules that will otherwise occur over the telephone while it lacks the richness of vocal inflection and the immediate and interactive qualities of a telephone conversation, it avoids the annoyance of telephone tag. Moreover, both parties to an E-mail exchange can deal with the communication at times convenient for them, without interruptions into other business. Many people find it hard to ignore a ringing telephone, even when they are in the middle of something else. E-mail messages arrive with little or no notice and will wait indefinitely. If both parties check their electronic mail reasonably and frequently each day, an exchange can be completed within a few hours and with minimum inconvenience.
    [A] Both E-mail and telephone are convenient means by which to realize successful communication.
    [B] We can not over-emphasize the advantages of E-mail.
    [C] Both E-mail and telephone have advantages and disadvantages.
    [D] Although E-mail messages are written, they share characteristics with telephone calls; E-mail has a few advantages, as well as some disadvantages, in comparison to telephone.




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